Relative fitness data for population Ara-1 through generation 2,000
The following table gives the summary data on fitness relative to the ancestor used by Lenski and Travisano (1994) in their Fig. 5. These data illustrated the punctuated, step-like trajectory for a population's mean fitness when viewed at a fine-scale of resolution.
Measurements were obtained for the Ara-1 population at 100-generation intervals. Each entry below is the mean from ten replicate assays, followed by the corresponding standard deviation. These data were obtained as part of an experiment run in temporal blocks; each generation was included in each block. Therefore, any block effects should not influence the relative value of the means, because all samples experienced the same set of blocks.
Gen. |
Mean |
St. Dev. |
0 | 1.01158 | 0.03787 |
100 | 1.02179 | 0.03488 |
200 | 1.06045 | 0.02365 |
300 | 1.13491 | 0.07488 |
400 | 1.13866 | 0.04137 |
500 | 1.14132 | 0.05405 |
600 | 1.18885 | 0.07802 |
700 | 1.21264 | 0.07383 |
800 | 1.22917 | 0.07147 |
900 | 1.22609 | 0.06804 |
1000 | 1.19707 | 0.06759 |
1100 | 1.21384 | 0.05459 |
1200 | 1.24055 | 0.05481 |
1300 | 1.29675 | 0.07846 |
1400 | 1.32527 | 0.08198 |
1500 | 1.31703 | 0.09372 |
1600 | 1.29434 | 0.07121 |
1700 | 1.24681 | 0.05064 |
1800 | 1.29164 | 0.08676 |
1900 | 1.32016 | 0.08034 |
2000 | 1.28608 | 0.10269 |